Friday 30 October 2015

Rodøvre Gymnasium Omklædnings Rum (Graphic School Proyect)

Wallpaper Comiition developed by Ida Retz Wessberg,
Ninon Birla, Pia Eikaas & me

auto censored part

back of the academy (R. Chain/ ROOS)


We define ourselves and get lost trying to keep those definitions

No one in bed

Under two lights (site-specific over pissoir in SLM)

fantasy tree for a window

fantasy tree for the table


This is some documentation of works before entering to The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.

Theoretical Landscape with a bunch of clones


Working with elements of building a landscape image and some thinkers. Dr. S.Freud, Elsa von Freytag Loringhoven, C.Jung, T. Adorno,  C. Greenberg, and W. Benjamin apears sometimes cloned, some of them more than twice while the chair and the orange raincoat comes some how out of it to our encounter.

Pastoral Contrapunt / Ready-mades tells me to move forward

Cold/ Warm


Everything is wet





Composition with three ripped objects 

en fisk + 20 kings + en dronning = et hund

This year got confronted with marxism and Benjamin's idea of the Dream trapped in the objects of consumption. First piece i try to find and answer on what art should be or has been about and the second piece i try to point to this determined imaginary everyday leisure.